07 May 2009

An update promise

In 10 days, all the old posts (and some new ones) will be available. I'll be using the rghost.net (and boxstr.com) servers.

This not an empty promise.

My last mix; club-jsf.april.09 (house) can be found @ rghost.net/213563.
Look out for the new mixStory Branding! An organized approach.

09 February 2009

The Return

Boxstr.com has returned, and the mix links have been retained, therefore, gradually between the 10th and 23rd of February, theMixStory will be up in full effect.

17 January 2009


Due to the continued downtime of the boxstr.com servers where the mixes from this blog are hosted, theMixStory will be unavailable until a more reliable host is found. Sub-Feb 2009.
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